February Discount

I have some money-saving news I hope you'll like: February might be the shortest month of the year, but it holds the best discounts ever offered for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's BirdSleuth curriculum. If you've considered ordering a BirdSleuth kit, now is the time: we're offering $10 off, free shipping, and a special "end of winter" bonus! The curriculum offers you months of engaging science and math teaching and learning, brought to you by the birds in your neighborhood.  Indeed, the curriculum can help you launch a multi-year exploration (and new hobby!) with your child.

Science Investigator's Kit for Homeschoolers:

$10 off and FREE shipping. Plus, as a special bonus, you will receive a FREE participation in the 2011 "Project FeederWatch" season (you'll get two years instead of one).

To order:   Order online using code "FEB10" or call us at (607) 254-2489. With this code, you will get $10 off and free shipping. We must receive your order by February 28 for these special discounts to apply.

Need more information? Please check this site.

As always, if you have any questions at all about the BirdSleuth curriculum and how it is used in a homeschool setting, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Jennifer Fee, project director


Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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